Monday, January 3, 2022

Final Glaze Tests... Finally!

 Last of the tests for these three glazes.  Yup.. going to put the glazes into production.  Now on to the other glazes I've been developing.  While I'm happy to just have blues and green teals.. Though some of my customers like other colors too.. Hmm why I don't k now.. 😇😇  But onto the reds and yellows. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Paradox of Choice- Yes, it does exist.

   Its a new year...  And hoping it will be a good new year for all.  

   My resolution... I'm going to glaze all the bisque in the studio this month.  I will pick at least 6 glazes from the hundreds of lovely glazes I have made and tested. I will add them to my studio glaze buckets.
Sounds easy, right? Hahaha, no!

Enter in "The Paradox of Choice":
     To pick only certain glazes from a host of really nice glazes creates indecision.  Indecision creates a mental tension and leads to an inability to chose.  The brain keeps one sane by avoiding the act of choosing a glaze to use.  Which leads to just not doing anything in regards to glazing.
So Now I must pick.

Choices.. Choices.. and pictured is only a tiny, tiny, sample of all the lovely glazes.
Yeah.. I'm in trouble already..