Saturday, May 21, 2022

Ceramic Decals Created From Scratch

  Exploring the ceramic decal. Not all glazes like the iron oxide, but I'm finding that a glaze higher in calcium carb seems to help the iron from burning out at higher temperatures. The plate was fired at ^04 and the decal still is very dark and I think I could fire to ^4 or ^6 and not loose to much the decals coloring.  Testing that premise soon.
  The printer is set to put the toner on heavily. Also the paper setting is for the thickest paper. The thick paper setting slows the printer and allows more toner to be applied to the paper.       I have a use in mind for the RIO decals.  I have been painting with underglaze on the clay and plan to fire the decals over the painting to get the gradations and darker areas. 

 The paper I use doesn't have a covercoat for the waterslide.  I actually add the covercoat to the printed paper by using a silkscreen. The covercoat is what makes the waterslide work.
   The decals will be placed over the underglaze painting giving the painting added depth.

Sea Turtle Underglaze Painting


A 12" plate where the painting is done with an underglaze.  Finally starting to get the feel of painting on the clay.  I have been trying to get the piece to have the feeling of an oil painting.  It is much harder than what I thought it would be.

Whale of An Underglaze


After missing two show seasons due to covid I'm gearing up to get back to shows and hope to have many 'clay paintings available.'

  Since I've had time to play in the clay and explore underglazes I hope to be able to soon be able to give the paintings the look feel of oils.  The process is nothing like what I do with oils on canvas, but I'm getting comfortable with how to blend and using strokes.  Mush more of a challenge.