Highlandtown Lake-3
5x7 Oil on Linen Hardboard |
Again, a little painting from a plein air sketch out at Highlandtown Lake, Oh.
The camera didn't pick up the subtle blues and lovely pinks that are in this painting. Why? Cameras are limited about 4000 colors rather than the roughly 6 to 10 million the human eye sees. A viewer's eye loves to play inside a good painting or drawing, being attracted to the colors, shifts in values, sense of line, and emphatic undertones that is found there. Whereas a viewer will only scan a photo long enough for the brain to pick up what is needed to identify the subject. The "Ah.. I get it." moment. There are exceptions to this though. Photos that create an emphatic feeling for the viewer also give the viewer pause and the brain allows the eye to linger and play. When I paint I always ask myself if I am having fun on the playground, and do my paintings sing to the eye?