what happens when you are bored and poke random holes in your pottery?
Staying with the theme of "Gee what if I.." put these colors and glaze
Will I do it again.. Ah.. I'm usually never that bored.
It will end up being for my orchid.. (which after 3 years is going to flower) or an luminary light.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Orchid Pot or Luminary? That is the question..
Friday, November 20, 2020
Dragon Flies.. With Larger Triggger Fish
The dragon flies and fish here are the last ones I have to glaze. Was pretty happy with how they turned out. So now that the pieces are out of my head and imagination, and in my hands I can see where to head with them in order to make them more appealing and create an easier design to build. These are made out of paper clay so they don't weigh hardly anything. I'm impressed so I'll order more of the clay.
Saturday, November 7, 2020
A Few More Colorful Trigger Fish Fresh Out of The Kiln
After the first batch of glazing the fish.. The application has gotten easier with each one I have done. Which means I'm a lot happier with how the fish turned out for this firing. I've learned so much from this batch that I have more confidence in how I approach the whole process. Makes the overall process easier.
Asked online how to apply underglaze successfully.. Well.. The answer is practice.
Monday, October 26, 2020
Colorful Wall Fish
Well I'm pleased with these cuties!
These were for wall hanging outside, but hubby comes along and insisted that the fish needed to be on a wall inside. Who am I to argue!
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Turtle Painting on porcelain
This is my first attempt at painting with under-glazes. While not a fan of how it turned out I realize there is a learning curve. So.. On to the next experiment!
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
The Happy Reds and Yellows... Not So Happy Purples.
So happy with the clear glaze I created.. Gotta love Chemistry! A perfect fit for the porcelain I'm using and super transparent with a lovely gloss.
As posted before I have been testing colors for this years pottery. I'm quite pleased with the reds and yellows. The peacock to purple transitions.. well not so much.
Though now that I have a road map for colors I'm pretty excited to start the dreaded glazing part of the process. Would love to sit back and just make pots all day, glazing well again.. not so much.
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Glaze Test Tiles
Since I'm not doing shows right now I've been using the spare time to play with glazes and decoration. Changing clay bodies means, especially with porcelains, having to alter the glazes to fit the new clay body. Now that I don't have crazing.. I have been working on colors.
Just pulled these test tiles out of the kiln and did the happy dance. I'm sure that a few of the colors will end up on pots this year.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Silk Screening.. Giving it a Go!
Suddenly with no shows and none in the near future.. I can roam outside the little box and play with clay in ways I have wanted to but didn't have time. So now is a good time for a little adventure, right? So, silk screening anyone?
I gave it a quick go. I used a hoop and some fabric along with one of my stencils I use for underglaze.
Whoo hoo! I think this is gonna be fun! I ordered a real screen. Even a couple of gel printing plates.
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
Ready for Next Year
Fish and Dragonflies
What does one do with this new reality? Shows are all canceled into next year and with time on my hands, I sometimes want to hide in a corner and let the crazy all go by. There is a fear, I think, in all artists that the world will dictate what we create. I have always wanted to paint subjects that I like. Subjects that make me smile or feel whimsical. The pottery is the same, I create it for me before anyone else.

But finding a happy place has been hard.. So I made a list of things that I have always wanted to do. These wall hanging fish are not glazed yet but making them made me happy. Also seeing how they turned out has made me happy too! Hope to glaze them next week. :)